Essay and Dissertation Proofreading and Editing Services

ID-100160372 By Vichaya Kiatying-AngsuleeWhen writing an essay, you want to make the best possible impression, especially when you know it will be scrutinised by your tutors.

However, many university students feel that, despite working hard and understanding their subject, their written skills let them down. Academic essay writing is a very specific skill – one that can be difficult to master – while confusion about spelling, punctuation and grammar can make an otherwise well-researched essay look messy and poorly written.

They know what they want to say, but they struggle to express it in a smooth, acceptable way.

So, whether a student is writing a thesis or PhD dissertation, a doctoral proposal or an undergraduate essay, they want to ensure that the essay they are submitting is the best it can be.

This is where a skilled and experienced proofreader can help.

I have worked with students at a variety of institutions, across numerous countries and in a range of subject areas to ensure that the work they submit is grammatically correct, well structured, and free of errors. Proofread and edited essays and dissertations help to make sure that a student is able to properly reflect the knowledge they have gained, without distracting the tutor and risking low marks as a result of poor English or error-prone writing.

Different academic institutions use different style guides, especially for references and bibliographies, and I am happy to check work in accordance with whichever style guide is preferred at your college or university. I am also aware that universities, with good reason, have strict rules about plagiarism in place that can affect how a proofreader should make suggestions for changes. I always take care to abide by these rules so that there is no question that the work you submit is exclusively yours.

Proofreading for International Students

International and foreign students can face particular difficulties with getting their written work up to the stringent standards demanded by UK universities. When English is not a person’s first language, mastering correct grammar, spelling and punctuation can feel like an impossible task. Yet it is really important that foreign students do not get poor results purely because of the language barriers they may face.

For international students who really understand their subject, getting a bad mark due to poorly conjugated verbs is an especially bitter pill to swallow!

A good proofreader can be a godsend to a dedicated international student who has worked hard researching and writing an essay or thesis but who knows that it must contain mistakes. If you know your current writing does not convey your best side, get in touch to see if I can help.

I spent a year studying at a university in the south of France, so I do have a particular understanding of the challenges faced by international students writing in a second language, as well as the joys of living abroad and learning in a new environment.

Proofreading for Students with Dyslexia

ID-100103860 By AmbroProofreading is especially useful for dyslexic students and, in many cases, Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) will pay for you to hire a proofreader to check work before it is submitted.

This can offer additional peace of mind for students, who would otherwise struggle to be sure that they have written the words they wanted to write, in the right order. Others may want reassurance that they have not missed out important words, and that they have used the right spelling and punctuation.

I have experience of proofreading essays and dissertations for dyslexic students and am happy to work with students whose proofreading is funded by DSA, as well as those who are funding it themselves.


My fees for proofreading are reduced for students. Rather than my usual rate of £15 per 1,000 words, I offer a 15% student discount, only charging £12.75 per 1,000 words for academic work because I understand the financial pressures faced by many students.

If you are in receipt of Disabled Students’ Allowance, I am usually happy to work at an hourly price quoted by DSA rather than a set fee per word – contact me to discuss this.

If you are interested in having an experienced and skilled proofreader check your work before you submit it, email me now and we will talk about what you need.

I can often complete a piece of work quickly, depending on my commitments and the length of the work but, generally speaking, the more advance notice you can give me, the better.

Get in touch now with any questions you might have.

Recent work includes

  • Proofreading a postgraduate dissertation on marketing for an international student
  • Proofreading an undergraduate philosophy essay for an international student
  • Proofreading the bibliography of a PhD thesis for adherence to style guide

For monthly proofreading special offers and top tips in your inbox, sign up to my email list below. 

Image credits: Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee and Ambro


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