Blog-post proofreading service

In the era of content shock, bloggers need to work harder than ever to stand out in their niche. For those who want to raise their head above the parapet without feeling embarrassed or self-conscious about avoidable mistakes, blog post proofreading can help you to make sure that your blog posts are as good as they can be.

This service ensures that your content is edited and checked before it is published on your site.

Why do bloggers need a proofreader?

Poor-quality content disappoints readers and upsets Google’s spam rules. The search giant has the ability to scan a page of your blog and decide whether it is good-quality content that it can add to its search results, or whether the content is poor quality and should stay out of the search listings.

It’s that serious.

Plus, errors will send your readers fleeing. What’s more, they won’t trust anything you have to say if they believe you do not care enough to spellcheck your own posts…

Of course, it’s never that simple. Proofreading your own work is incredibly difficult and spellcheck and Grammarly can only do so much.

What you get when you hire me as a blog-post proofreader

When you hire me as a proofreader, I can work in a range of ways. But we always start in the same place: we establish how long it will take for me to proofread your work and I tell you how much it will cost. I will take your personal details, you can tell me if there is anything particular you want me to focus on, and I will send you an invoice when I start work.

Beyond that, the proofreading process starts as follows:

I could edit your posts within the WordPress (or other CMS) interface, although this way you will just see the end results and you won’t be notified of each change. Another option is for me to work on your content in Microsoft Word (usually the best option thanks to its Track Changes functionality) or Google Drive.

I will go through the text two or three times to ensure I catch the errors, big and small. Whether you are misusing apostrophes, using sentences that are poorly structured or getting the odd word wrong, I can catch that for you and highlight and fix it.

Then, I send the documents back to you, Track Changes enabled, so you can see exactly what I’ve done.

How much does blog-post proofreading cost?

Fees for this work start at £15 for up to 1,000 words. A post between 1,000 and 1,500 words costs £22.50 and one between 1,500 and 2,000 costs £30. It goes up £7.50 for each additional 500 words.

I can normally return work within two – four working days but, if you are in a particular rush, I can sometimes do the work more quickly for an additional 50% on top of the fee. My availability means this is not always possible but, if this is something you would be interested in, do ask.

Some people write their blog posts on a weekly basis and send them over to me each week. This is fine, but for bloggers who do batch blogging and write a chunk of work all in one go, I have a discount: if you send me five or more blog posts to proofread at the same time, I will give you a 10% discount on the total.

Recent work includes

  • Proofreading a series of blog posts for a professional life coach
  • Proofreading a personal blog for a Spanish client
  • Proofreading a series of blog posts for a digital marketing expert

If you would like to get in touch about me proofreading some blog posts for you, please contact me straight away with information about what you are looking for. 

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