Podcast Episode 78: How to self-publish without embarrassing yourself

Self-published books have a bad reputation and, sadly, that is partly the fault of self-publishers themselves. If you want to publish your own work, it's time to up your game. In this podcast episode, Lorrie and I explain a series of self-publishing 'don'ts' and offer recommendations and tips to make sure your self-published work is the best it can be. Show Notes DIY: How to Understand Self-Publishing Acronyms Lousy Book Covers Fiverr Authors are a**holes Written? Kitten! There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, do 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to talk with us about what you hear on the…
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Freelancing while offline: can we work without the web?

I currently have no broadband access at home. Just take a moment to absorb that: No. Broadband. Access. I know, it's a practically mediaeval state of affairs but, until Thursday, it's how it is. In a bid to be mature and not completely freak out, I spent the days before the outage gathering together apps, software, websites and tips on managing without WiFi while still trying to run a business. And stay sane(ish). So, in this post I will go through some of the best ideas and tools available for coping without a regular broadband connection. Preparation I was in the fortunate position of having a few days' notice of my impending broadband outage. This meant that I had the chance to do a degree of preparation for as many eventualities…
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Podcast Episode 77: What to do if a client won’t stop bugging you

Sometimes, freelance writing clients cross the line. They might send text messages to check you got the email they sent moments earlier, call you at 7pm on a Saturday night, or email 12 times a day to check on progress. In this solo episode, Lorrie goes through some tricks and tips to return professional distance to a working relationship. Show Notes 35 tech terms translated into plain English There are several ways to make sure that you don't miss out on A Little Bird Told Me. Subscribe via RSS Subscribe via iTunes Find us on Stitcher Smart Radio And finally, 'like' us on Facebook to be the first to hear our news and to talk with us about what you hear on the podcast!
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Googling yourself

Googling yourself

As a freelancer, it is always a good idea to keep an eye on what people are saying about you. If you're being criticised somewhere online, you may want to address the issues head on or do some damage limitation. Or, if you find that someone has praised your work, you may want to publicise this, or even just quietly bask in the glory for a few minutes. Keeping an eye out for social media mentions is also important. If people are talking about you on Twitter, for instance, being aware of what is being said could help you to address concerns, improve your business practices, or - if it is glowing praise - enjoy a bit of a morale boost. Despite these benefits, I rarely remember to do it.…
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