I was on BBC’s Front Row in defence of sensitivity readers

I was on BBC’s Front Row in defence of sensitivity readers

About Proofreading, Freelance Self-Promotion, Speaking
A couple of years ago, I started offering sensitivity reading for disability- and LGBT-related topics. I have worked on some fascinating manuscripts since then, including both fiction and non-fiction texts, and have worked with some brilliant authors and publishing houses. It was exciting to see this role begin to gain popularity as authors realised the benefits of making sure that their representations of marginalised characters or issues affecting marginalised communities were not going to alienate or inadvertently upset the very readers they wanted to attract. In recent weeks, however, sensitivity reading has become mired in controversy. After writer Kate Clanchy wrote a critique of her experience of sensitivity readers' assessments of her book (which, already published, had attracted accusations of racism and disablism), we are being discussed widely but the…
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Upcoming presentation: LGBT Apostasy and Conversion Therapy

Upcoming presentation: LGBT Apostasy and Conversion Therapy

Freelance Self-Promotion, Speaking
A few weeks ago, I wrote about conversion therapy for Now Then, the magazine where I am a community correspondent. I had been trying for several months to find a local case study and, in the absence of anybody willing to talk about their own experiences, I shared mine instead. I was surprised by how confronting it felt to address the experiences I had when I was younger; surprising mostly because I did not undergo conversion therapy myself, instead I was offered it... twice. But being told you need it does profound damage to your sense of self, your sense of goodness, and your confidence. As a result of that article, Humanists UK's Faith to Faithless project have invited me to speak about conversion therapy at an online event next…
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