Who do you think you’re apostrophising? The dark side of grammar pedantry

Who do you think you’re apostrophising? The dark side of grammar pedantry

About Proofreading, Language
Rob Drummond, Manchester Metropolitan University He’s been called “punctuation’s answer to Banksy”. A self-styled grammar vigilante who spends his nights surreptitiously correcting apostrophes on shop signs and billboards. The general consensus is that he’s a modern-day hero – a mysterious crusader against the declining standards of English. But his exploits represent an altogether darker reality. The man himself is not particularly offensive. In a BBC Radio 4 report, he comes across as a reasonable person who simply feels a compulsion to quietly make a difference to what matters to him. He doesn’t ridicule, he doesn’t court publicity, he simply goes out and adds or removes apostrophes as required. And he does it with care, usually. So what’s the problem? The problem lies in what this kind of behaviour represents and…
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I was on BBC’s Front Row in defence of sensitivity readers

I was on BBC’s Front Row in defence of sensitivity readers

About Proofreading, Freelance Self-Promotion, Speaking
A couple of years ago, I started offering sensitivity reading for disability- and LGBT-related topics. I have worked on some fascinating manuscripts since then, including both fiction and non-fiction texts, and have worked with some brilliant authors and publishing houses. It was exciting to see this role begin to gain popularity as authors realised the benefits of making sure that their representations of marginalised characters or issues affecting marginalised communities were not going to alienate or inadvertently upset the very readers they wanted to attract. In recent weeks, however, sensitivity reading has become mired in controversy. After writer Kate Clanchy wrote a critique of her experience of sensitivity readers' assessments of her book (which, already published, had attracted accusations of racism and disablism), we are being discussed widely but the…
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Bloody hell, I’ve been at this for ten years

Bloody hell, I’ve been at this for ten years

About Proofreading, About Writing, Freelancing
Ten years ago, I embarked on a self-employment experiment. And I did it all "wrong". First, I didn't tell everyone to support my business as you're supposed to; instead, I was so convinced that I would fail that I told a handful of my closest people. Second, I didn't do that smart thing where you work a full-time job while trying to gradually build your freelance clients on the side; instead, I just launched full-time from scratch. I had some savings that could support me if my business failed and I did expect to have to live of them but, to my surprise more than anyone else's, I got clients, people hired me, and I made a success of it. [bctt tweet="Ten years ago, I did it all 'wrong'. Yet…
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How writers and editors can use OneLook.com for linguistic queries

How writers and editors can use OneLook.com for linguistic queries

About Proofreading, About Writing
I discovered a website a few months ago that is proving to be pretty nifty when I need to really drill down on a particular word. OneLook.com lets you search for a word and gives you links to a range of definitions, from general dictionaries to specialised ones. It also allows you to find related words, rhyming words etc. I have found it particularly useful when proofreading and coming across specialised language and when writing and needing to be absolutely certain that I'm using an unusual word correctly. I made a mini video to show how it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oWmsaNDklU Transcript: So I'm going to show you a nifty little website that I've discovered quite recently, Onelook.com, and it is a way to search multiple dictionaries for one word. As you…
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Books on language for writers, proofreaders, translators and editors

Books on language for writers, proofreaders, translators and editors

About Proofreading, About Writing, Language
One of the reasons I work with words is that language is endlessly fascinating. From my degree in French to the podcasts I listen to and the books I read about the English language, there is always more to know. As a writer and proofreader, I rely on some of the books listed below for my work. But as a linguist, I read the rest for fun. The links below are for Amazon. If you would prefer to support independent bookshops, try Hive Books or Bookshop.org in the UK or Bookshop or IndieBound in the USA. For people in other countries, a quick Google should help you to find an independent alternative. Books about proofreading It's an art and a science and a business McGraw-Hill's Proofreading Handbook by Laura Killen…
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Upcoming presentation: Proofreading and copywriting for translators: tips, tools and techniques

Upcoming presentation: Proofreading and copywriting for translators: tips, tools and techniques

About Proofreading, About Writing, Speaking
I'm really excited to be a speaker for the Chartered Institute of Linguists. At the webinar, I will be talking about proofreading and copywriting and, in particular, how they are relevant to translators. Translators might want to know how to use copywriting skills to promote their businesses or how best to proofread the work they produce, or the work of other translators. I will go through all of that and more. As you can see on the event page, Translators in all sectors can benefit from learning proofreading and copywriting skills. Join freelance writer, editor and proofreader Philippa Willitts as she guides you through the tools and tips you need to improve your proofreading skills and learn about how copywriting can help you to promote your work. Key learning objectives:…
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Notes on March

Notes on March

About Proofreading, About Writing, Freelance Self-Promotion
I sometimes wonder whether I should populate my blog with updates on how work is going. After all, it gives readers and potential clients an idea of what I'm up to. So, I'm giving it a try this month and will see how it goes. A particularly interesting part of March's work was proofreading two books for a French agency. The books had been translated from French and I was proofreading the resulting translation. They were grammatically very good but needed some work on occasional areas of wording that didn't sound quite right. As I have a degree in French Studies I have done my fair share of translation so am familiar with the way it works and the problems and challenges it can cause, so I felt at home…
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Tattoo proofreading: preventing disasters before they happen!

Tattoo proofreading: preventing disasters before they happen!

About Proofreading
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLm-QUxTCxs&feature=youtu.be Tattoos can be beautiful, glorious representations of art or complex emotions, carefully applied to our skin by specialists who take pride in their art. They can also be drunken mistakes carved out after midnight in Ibiza, leading to embarrassment and cover-ups at a later date. If you are planning a new tattoo and it will involve text, let me help you to make sure you don't get anything disastrous inked into your skin permanently. Let me check the spelling, the punctuation, and the word order to ensure you go into the artist's studio equipped to be given the perfect inking. Find out more about tattoo proofreading and how much it costs (virtually nothing, actually!) here. Prevention is better than a cure. Or, in this case, prevention is better than laser…
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New proofreading services listed on the website

New proofreading services listed on the website

About Proofreading
I spend so much of my life creating content for other people's websites that I frequently neglect my own. Weeds start to grow and I put post and page ideas on a list that is ignored for weeks and months on end. Then, one day, I get myself together and remind myself that this little corner of the interwebs is my connection to you. The whole point is to let you know that there are problems I can solve, and when I write about them here, you become aware that you can get help with this stuff. Keep failing to get job interviews after sending in your CV? Check out my CV proofreading services Want British young women to be able to relate to the characters and story in your…
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