Upcoming presentation: LGBT Apostasy and Conversion Therapy

Upcoming presentation: LGBT Apostasy and Conversion Therapy

Freelance Self-Promotion, Speaking
A few weeks ago, I wrote about conversion therapy for Now Then, the magazine where I am a community correspondent. I had been trying for several months to find a local case study and, in the absence of anybody willing to talk about their own experiences, I shared mine instead. I was surprised by how confronting it felt to address the experiences I had when I was younger; surprising mostly because I did not undergo conversion therapy myself, instead I was offered it... twice. But being told you need it does profound damage to your sense of self, your sense of goodness, and your confidence. As a result of that article, Humanists UK's Faith to Faithless project have invited me to speak about conversion therapy at an online event next…
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Deadly Intersections: Disability and Gender-Based Violence

Deadly Intersections: Disability and Gender-Based Violence

Disabled writer, Speaking
I'm involved in the Women's Equality Party and I am part of the comms team for my local branch. I'm also a member of the Disability and LGBTQI caucuses. [caption id="attachment_2613" align="alignright" width="352"] My dress is not a yes[/caption] I'm excited to be leading an event next week and, if you're interested in disability, feminism, gender-based violence and the intersections between them, you need to check it out! The blurb: Disabled women are twice as likely as non-disabled women to experience domestic abuse, but less likely to be able to access a refuge. 40% of disabled women have been sexually assaulted or raped and 50% of Deaf girls have been sexually abused. There are even ways that disabled women can be abused that simply do not exist for non-disabled people.…
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