Notes on March

Notes on March

About Proofreading, About Writing, Freelance Self-Promotion
I sometimes wonder whether I should populate my blog with updates on how work is going. After all, it gives readers and potential clients an idea of what I'm up to. So, I'm giving it a try this month and will see how it goes. A particularly interesting part of March's work was proofreading two books for a French agency. The books had been translated from French and I was proofreading the resulting translation. They were grammatically very good but needed some work on occasional areas of wording that didn't sound quite right. As I have a degree in French Studies I have done my fair share of translation so am familiar with the way it works and the problems and challenges it can cause, so I felt at home…
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January in Review

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="320"] January Cottage (Photo credit: jenniferworthen)[/caption] Wow, January has been a busy month! And, as a freelancer, this is always a good thing. May the rest of 2014 follow the same pattern! I wrote some really popular articles for Feminist Times and Disability Intersections, and it was great to see such positive responses via social media. For Feminist Times I wrote, "Intrusive entitlement: disabled women as public property", about the way that many people feel that they can touch, grab and inappropriately question disabled people about their lives. I also wrote a long-form article for the exciting new online magazine Disability Intersections about food snobbery and how many people judge what others eat, without taking into account the many different personal circumstances and societal oppressions that can…
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