Talking about the Paralympics on BBC Radio Sheffield
I was on Paulette Edwards' show on BBC Radio Sheffield again, this time talking about the Paralympic Games and the visibility it gives to disabled people. There were a couple of other disabled people being interviewed, too, so I've clipped my bits here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRDUcxbbOHc Transcript Well, listen, I'm going to talk to Philippa now, Philippa Willitts freelance writer and blogger. So for the next couple of weeks, the Paralympics are going to be getting extensive coverage on TV and online. How important Philippa do you think that is? This X kind of exposure? Actually, I think it's brilliant because it brings a level of visibility that disabled people have normally have. We were not on TV 24 7, and when the Paralympic games is on the last, you know, two…